Water, Sanitation and Hygiene(WASH) is a real need in many communities and schools within our area of operation. Many children die in Cameroon each year because of preventable diseases such as cholera resulting from poor hygiene and sanitation. Once schools and communities have access to basic hygiene and sanitation facilities and proper WASH education provided, there will be a significant improvement on health and wellbeing of children, women and communities

In a bit to savage the poor hygiene, sanitation and lack of safe drinkable water in our communities, we build toilet facilities in schools, educate communities on WASH, provide drinkable buckets/cups and drill boreholes, protect springs and water catchment and install gravity flow systems. We need your support for our WASH program.
Our Vision
COREDA envisage a society in which everyone will have equal opportunities to thrive and live a fulfilled life. A society free of all forms of social injustice..